Saturday, March 1, 2014

Casa de la Cultura

In Ecuador the Casa de la Cultura is a happening place that brings all of the arts together under one roof.  I'm told that every town has at least one Casa de la Cultura.  Hey sounds like Hillsborough, NJ - NOT.  Thursday night for the admission price of nada, niente, nothing, a big fat 0, we enjoyed a terrific Boleros recital by Gustavo - judging from the audience's response when he entered - a fairly well know South American singer accompanied by an extremely talented guitar trio.

Jack and I enjoyed it so much I bought Gustavo's CD.  Price - $5!

The day before, we went to a juried sculpture exhibit.  Some interesting pieces - lots of political sentiment too.  There were a number of people wandering through - some look like they popped in on their lunch hours or cut a class at the university.  Art - wonderful.  Price - FREEEEE.
What is Jack staring at?  Oh, the beautiful woman staring back at him.

The above work drew me in.  I could feel the pain.  It is a riff on the subjugation of the indigenous people.
There were a number of pieces made with recycled metal objects from computer parts to gears, pipes and stuff I couldn't identify.  Also lots of very large pieces carved from one giant piece of wood.

This facility in Ambato has:
Exhibition space containing their permanent collection of Ecuadorian artists -
This is part of their permanent  and varied collection.

Intimate theater/lecture hall -

Large foyer where florists were exhibiting arrangements -

Cafe where local artists sell their work and - well that is all I noticed but the building in huge.  The bulletin board by the main entrance was packed with things that people could do - free events, classes, lectures and my favorite - a theater workshop.

In Quito there are a number of Casa de la Cuturas.  We visited one that had a world class museum - FREEEEEEE.  When I finally edit all of my Quito video you'll get to explore some of the facility.

Wherever in the world you are today - enjoy some art!

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